Saturday, October 6, 2012

September Goal Results

Well I didn't do everything I would have liked but I still accomplished quite a bit. Here is how it all turned out. 

Improve wardrobe by purchasing 2-3 new outfits
Complete 1-2 school projects
Begin new September budget
Monthly budget meeting with Ken
New scripture daily
Increase water consumption daily
Improve Diet
Begin workouts at least twice a week
Use encouraging words daily
Life group weekly
Continue organization: organize homework area, linen closet, and master bedroom closet
Read: What your son isn't telling you and Women, food, and God. 
Spend at least 15 minutes with my child alone. 
Continue to use Calendar for scheduling. 
Read tutorials on blogging
Create cleaning schedule

I still feel good about my list of goals even though I didn't cross it all off. I planned a pretty big list but I am still learning my new job, so it's a good lesson that maybe I over extended myself. Plus I hurt my back somehow and that totally derailed my exercise plans. I have some quiet time to myself for the next two weeks so I am hoping to get a lot accomplished. 

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