Friday, September 17, 2010

Save money on Prescription Drugs

Well we checked out the prices at United Health Center on Prescriptions and I wasn't impressed except for one of the drugs, but it did motivate me to do some more checking around. Walmart, Target, and CVS have about the best programs for the uninsured. They have $4 a month prescriptions or $10 for 90 day prescriptions. They have a list online to check to see if your meds are on them. I found CVS to be the best one for me personally at a savings of what I am paying now of $124 a month! That is unbelievable! It is actually less that what we paid when we had insurance. Needless to say we will be switching immediately.

1 comment:

cheap prescription drugs said...

Thanks for this post,with the help of online prescription drugs its very easy to get medicines at affordable price.