Sunday, November 30, 2008

Double coupons at Kmart

For one week only Kmart will be giving double coupons. It looks like from the internet they will double up to $2 but it's hard to read the ad. I'm on my way there now so I'll give an update later. Remember think donations. This is a great way to buy stuff that is greatly needed in shelters like toothpaste. Have Fun!

Ok, so they will double the coupons up to $2 but if your coupon is more than that they are only giving the face value. They will not honor internet coupons. You can only use 4 of the same coupon at a time, and a total of 75 coupons per trip. The no internet coupon thing really irritates me. There is a way for them to make sure you are not photcopying them, but rather than training their checkers they just decided to not honor them. Grrrr. Oh well, at least they still did the double coupon deal. Here is how I did after coupons.
Zest .39
Oil of Olay Free
Tampax 1.49
Dep hair gel .49
Cat treat Free
Pledge .50
Lipton noodles and sauce .50
BBQ sauce .99
I saved 28.52 off my bill. Not too bad. I was hoping to do better but the no internet coupon thing killed me.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


My friend Amy got me thinking this morning on spending. I started looking for a biblical perspective on this. I didn't find anything other than staying within your budget and giving to others. There is a lot of discontent when it comes to spending and society has encouraged us to buy it anyway on credit even if you can't afford it. We are never satisfied with what we have because there is always something new and better out there. Ken told me that he used to dream of a 32 inch tv. Well that is what we have, but he isn't satisfied with it. Now he wants one of those flat screen tv's as big as he can get it. I just want to be satisfied with what I have. I'm tired of wanting something new because it's better than what I have. I don't want to need a new computer every year, or a new car, or a new whatever. While I appreciate how everything improves I'm just sick of spending. God has provided well for me and I would like to be content with what he has supplied. Is finding contentment even possible in this world? Well as my friend Amy so succintly said, "I'm pretty sure I won't find it at the mall." Here is what Crown has to say on contentment. Contentment is so far removed from many Christians that it seems that they will never be able to find it or be at peace. However, contentment is not something that must be searched for and found. It is an attitude of the heart. Once the attitude has been modified and all has been transferred to God, contentment will be evident.
For the full article go to and search for contentment.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Back from the trenches

Well it was another crazy shopping day as usual, although not as bad this year. The economy is definitely taking a toll. There were far fewer people this year, and there were lots of stuff left over. For the first time ever one of the walmart employees told me they were still honoring the black friday price if there was any leftovers after it ended. My best deals were Walgreens, They paid me to buy some toothpaste, and deodorant. Plus I got paper plates, napkins, and 2 dozen eggs for $3 total. My best gift deals for christmas shopping were $29.99 for a $99 set of pots and pans for my son from Macys, and $29 for the $79.99 fly fusion pentop computer for my other son from Target. Awesome deals! I only spend a third of what I usually spend this year which was great and the other great part is I'm totally done shopping too. Some of the gifts are very small but I'm just not going to let myself feel bad about it. I can't go through another christmas in total debt. That makes me feel even worse. Besides, some of my best christmas memories are from handmade gifts I used to give as a kid like a tin full of my uncles favorite homemade cookies. I can still see him popping one in his mouth instantly with such a look of pleasure on his face. I remember a particularly awful christmas one year when I could only buy my kids things from dollar tree. My son Josh commented it was the best christmas he ever had. I can't tell you how much I cried that day, but my kids were totally satisfied. For years I have made up for that awful christmas by buying more than I could afford. I have to stop this. My kids are ok, and I know they do not want me to be in debt. Christmas is not about absolving my guilt. This year I will spend my time with my eyes on Jesus where it should be, and my bank account intact.

Romans 13:8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Feeling blessed

Well the economy tragedy has hit me personally now. I knew it was a matter of time before I started seeing these types of patients. I admitted a man this morning who had diabetes. He lost his job a couple of months ago, his wife left him when he lost his job, and he became homeless. While living in his car or off of his friends generosity one of his feet became infected. It looks like the infection is in the bone so they will be removing his foot today. My heart just breaks for him. I couldn't help feeling so blessed that in spite of the bad economy we still have a home to go to, and health insurance in the event we get sick. Yes, we are struggling right now, but God has blessed us and taken care of us. I know He is with us and helping us with our difficulties. So today I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that my family is with me, and we are all healthy.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Yes, I'm thankful

I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what it was like when I was really poor, and what I'm thankful for. I really wasn't unhappy being poor either, and life was sure a lot simpler than it is now. There are a few things though I'm grateful I don't have to do anymore.
I'm thankful I don't have to go to the dump anymore to get rid of my trash.
I'm thankful I don't have to go to the laundromat
I'm thankful I have more than one channel to watch on tv
I'm thankful for central air and heating and not just a woodstove.
I'm thankful I don't have to ride the bus.
I'm thankful I don't have to buy clothes at goodwill or yardsales unless I want to.
I'm thankful I don't have to buy my toiletries at the swapmeet.
I'm thankful I have mail delivery at my house.
I'm thankful I have a stove and not just a hotplate and a toaster oven.
I haven't been working much lately, but I do have a lot to be thankful for. God has always taken care of my needs, and I know he will continue to do so.

Black Friday

Well the ads are out for all the Black Friday shoppers. I look forward to this every year as the bargains are fantastic. They have a great website I found this year with all the Black Friday ads for all the stores. It looks like I have to work so I won't do much this year. I haven't been working anyway so it's not like we have lots of money. Good thing I planned to spend within my budget!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Shop smarter

There was an article in the Fresno Bee on last Thursday on shopping smarter for food. It had some interesting contrasts to most of the usual advice. It actually advised going to the store more frequently so you aren't stuck there for a long time. I found that interesting. I like to go to the store, but I know lots of people don't, so I guess for the people who don't this will work better than the weekly or monthly shopping. They do admit that this choice takes more time though.
It did say to stick to a list, and to plan your meals and to plan around the stuff you already have on hand. Ok, that sounds good so far. It mentioned $2 per serving recipes on Thanksgiving recipes less than $1 a serving at, and the federal government recipe collecton at (I had no idea they had that!) Another surprise is they recommend driving around to different stores. Now that surprised me with the price of gas, you must be kidding, although I suppose it's better now. They say it won't cost extra gasoline if you choose retailers that are part of your normal routine. My friend Amy mentioned a store recently that she stops at as part of her normal routine. I don't have a normal routine so that wouldn't work for me. I never know where I am going to be.
He gave some local advice which is nice. Grocery Outlet has organic food, and beginning in January the Ashlan and Blackstone store will begin carrying fresh meat. They recommend Asian markets for produce. Organic produce can be found at Farmers markets and the Vineyard on Shaw and Blackstone is a great source. They also recommend the produce at Food Maxx on Blackstone and Barstow. Another recommendation was trying some of the ethic stores like Bertos meat market, Lindas Seafood market, Louie Kee market for weekly meat specials, King poultry live and fresh chicken. Vallarta market has the freshest chile's. Whole Foods Market offers a value tour and they have a one day one item sale every Wednesday.
I think it's so interesting that everywhere you look there are articles and advice to help you save. Mostly it's about groceries though. I wish there was something that could magically cut my utility bill in half besides not using it!

Free Dr. Pepper today only

Today is the day to get your free Dr. Pepper coupon. Go to the Dr. Pepper website and fill out a form and your coupon will come in the mail. The website is running a little slow but I did it eventually.

Here are the Free's until next Sunday.

Colgate total advance toothpaste $3.49
$3.49 register rewards
$1 coupon
Either Free or $1 profit.

Russel Stover private reserve oval tin $7.99
Buy 2 and get $10 easy saver rebate
B1G1F coupon in last weeks paper
Final price $6 or with coupon Free with $2 profit.

Rite Aid
Garnier Fructis Shampoo or conditioner $2.99
$2.99 rebate valid only on purchase on 11/28
$1 coupon
Final price free or $1 profit

Phillips universal 3 device remote $4.99
$4.99 rebate valid only on purchase on 11/23-11/29
Final Price Free

GE 6 power strip outlet $5
$5 rebate
Final price Free

There will be a lot more of this to come. Remember This Friday is Black Friday and if you are brave enough to go out at 4am there are lots of great deals. This Thursdays newspaper will be the biggest one of the year. Read your ads carefully and do your rebates promptly as they are usually very short lived.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

more frees


Almay one coat mascara $6.99
$6.99 rebate
Final Price Free

Rite Aid
St. Ives apricot scrub or elements $4.99
$4.99 rebate
$2 coupon
Final price free or $2 profit

Monday, November 17, 2008

Grants and blessings

I spent a lot of time this summer looking for a grant to replace my 40 year old air conditioner. I never did find a grant for that but I did find one for the 23 year old roof on my house that needs to be replaced. Crown recommends keeping a fund for stuff that you know you will replace, but of course I did not know this when we bought the house 20 years ago. Why doesn't someone give you a manual when you buy a house? The housing authority has some grant money available for certain areas in Fresno County for their revitalization program. Finally living in the tower district has it's perks! They guarantee they will start the work on or before December 8th, so hopefully it won't rain too much before that. I have had multiple repairs on the roof in the last 12 years. When it began leaking again last year everyone that looked at it flat out refused to fix it. I finally begged someone to do another repair but he told me it would only last a year and the year is up. I can't tell you what a blessing this is for us. Not to mention they will do some other repairs that we desperately needed. We even got to pick the color of the roof! That was too funny. Personally I could care less what color it is as long as I don't spend every day that it rains anxiously looking at the ceiling. Today we found out we could get the plumbing leak we have under the house covered as well so now I don't need to worry about how we were going to pay for that too. I may have spent the last two weeks barely working, but God is still taking care of our needs. So many people have blessed us this year with what we needed. When we refinanced our house this year it basically was only enough to pay for the legal fees to get the title released to me. (Long divorce story) I was really upset, disappointed, and anxious about what we were going to do about the rest of it. God has shown us the path to doing absolutely everything that we wanted to do when we refinanced except replacing the air conditioner and the windows but neither of them were really necessities anyway, just wishes. Somehow we replaced Ken's car that just died, repainted the house, repaired our fence, got a new roof, repaired the structure damage to the garage, fixed our plumbing, trimmed and removed trees, and new grass to the backyard. All of this cost us about 1/4th of what it should have. Not to mention we were able to bless at least two other people that we know of with work when they desperately needed it. How awesome is that? In the book debt free living by Larry Burkett there are many stories by others who had desperate situations with money. They began living their lives according to Gods principles and received many blessings as a result. I read that book and it truly inspired me. I never expected it to happen to me, but it did. I am overwhelmed with how much God loves me and cares for me, particularly when I didn't feel my needs were worthy enough for His notice. I began this blog because I was feeling discouraged with how I was doing on my own money map, but as I'm writing this I am realizing how truly blessed I have been, and I'm now feeling truly inspired for the coming year.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thanksgiving planning

The sales are beginning at the grocery stores for the holidays. I went to Winco today and got a 15lb turkey for under $5. It is 30cents a pound when you buy $25 worth of groceries. Vons is giving a turkey for $4.88 with $25 worth of groceries or Save Mart is giving a free one when you buy $100 worth of groceries. Personally I don't think it's worth it to shop there. According to my mom the previous butcher turkeys that are 16 to 20 pounds are a waste of money. The reason why is that there is more bone per pound than meat. You should figure 1 pound per person to determine the size of the turkey. I'm planning to buy more turkeys to cook throughout the year for lunchmeat. Far better and cheaper than the deli stuff. Thanksgiving isn't too expensive if you make your own stuff. Personally I love to make my own stuff. I even make pumpkin pie from the pumpkin itself. Squash is in season so you can buy all kinds of great stuff to make that's really inexpensive. Now if only the weather would catch up to these winter dishes!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cutting grocery costs

Cut grocery costs

How does saving more than $1,000 per year on groceries sound? With a little planning, it's easy. Trim just $25 per week from your food bill and you'll net $1,300 by the end of the year. Here's how:

1. Eat out of your pantry. Take an inventory of what's lying around and plan meals around those items. You'll not only get rid of lingering groceries, you'll reduce your shopping list for the week.

2. Get in and out quickly. Statistics show that after 30 minutes of shopping, you'll spend 50 cents for each additional minute you're in the store. Stick to your list and you'll save about $60 a month.

3. Know your prices. Keep a list of the items you buy often and their cost. You'll know when you're getting a bargain.

4. Buy sale items. Build your grocery list around sale products. If one of your nonperishable household staples (such as canned goods) is on special, buy extra.

5. Use coupons. Clip coupons in store flyers, newspapers and magazines and at Web sites such as, and

6. Choose generic. Trim 10 percent off your bill with store brands; they're often the same as name brands where it matters--inside the box.

7. Shop less. Shopping monthly, not weekly, at warehouse clubs can save you more than $2,000 a year.

8. Shop seasonally. Fruits and veggies taste better--and are often cheaper--when they're in season. Substitute frozen or canned varieties for out-of-season produce.

9. Find a bakery outlet. Pay $1 for a loaf of bread instead of $3. Outlets generally don't sell outdated goods, so bread won't go bad any sooner than a grocery store loaf would.

10. Check your receipt. Cashiers can make mistakes that cost you money, so look over your receipt before leaving the store.

Bonus tip

Plan your meals: Draw up a weekly menu and grocery list. You'll save time and money by making your shopping more targeted and efficient.


I came across this article the other day. I love to stockpile items for later. Particularly when times are hard like right now, and when Derrick says mom I need some paper, I pull out the notebook paper I bought on sale for 9 cents. When Ken and I got married I had at least a two year supply of soap. He thought it was weird until he saw me shop. Soap for free? Yes that is what I paid or at least close to it. I can remember buying dish soap for 19 cents a bottle. When Powerade came out they put out a free coupon. I went down to the Fresno Bee that day and dug as many coupons out of their trash I could find. We had Powerade for months and we didn't spend one penny on it. Sometimes buying only what you need can take on a different meaning. The lady at the store thought I was crazy when I bought 20 bottles of dishsoap, but I knew I needed it. Not like you aren't going to wash dishes for the rest of your life and 19 cents is far better than 1.99. Below is some great advice on Stockpiling.

Since the economy began heading south this year, the shopping advice from local and national media has been “try not to buy more than you need at one time” which makes me cringe every time I hear it.

While it may seem counter-intuitive to shop for something you don’t need and buy a boatload of it, if you’re buying an item at its rock bottom price and you can stock up on it, then you won’t have to buy it later at full price.

The key to this strategy? Add one or two sale items a week that weren’t on your list that you’ll likely use anyway. Use coupons to sweeten the deal and buy as many as you can at that price. Today at Target, 150-sheet lined notebook paper was on clearance for .12 cents each. Needless to say, at a savings of 88% off full retail, I bought enough paper for the kids that I won’t need to buy it again for several years. I’ll toss it in a Rubbermaid tub and pull it out when we need it.

As you begin to shop this way, keep a few things in mind:

How much can I budget on building my stockpile each week? Take a percentage of what you currently spend and reallocate it to shopping for long-term-use deals.
Will my family use up the product before it expires? My kids go through one jar of peanut butter a week, so when I can get it for less than .50 cents per jar, I buy at least 52 jars to get me through a whole year.
Do I have room to store these items in a way that makes sense? An investment in storage totes, shelving and a deep freezer can help you save in the long term.
If you can incorporate this tactic into your personal shopping routine, you might spend a little more at first, but ultimately, it will reduce your groceries costs more each month. A few years of shopping this way, I’ve cut our grocery bill down to about $200 a month. My family could live off the products stored in the garage for several months if we ever came on tough times. And best of all, I can take the money we save and use it somewhere else.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Love of money

The Scripture teaches that money is not the solution to money problems. In fact, it says that whoever loves money never has enough, and that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Money problems are heart problems and can only be solved by a change of heart initiated by repentance (see 2 Chronicles 7:13-14).

I received this the other day and I have been thinking about it a lot. When I was dirt poor I used to believe that if I had more money things would be better. I craved the ability to get credit cards. I wanted nice things that I couldn't afford. No surprise that when I started making literally double what I used to make I still had money problems. As christmas approaches I am determined to change my heart and repent on spending above my means. I am determined to enjoy the holidays and not spend the following year paying for it or working ridiculous hours in order to have more money to spend. I will spend this year with my eyes on God and not on how many gifts are under the tree. I think I already feel less stress!

This weeks freebies

Colgate toothpaste $2.49
$1 easy saver booklet coupon
$1.50 coupon on
Final price Free

Clabber girl cornstarch
2/$1 in ad coupon
$1/2 coupon in last sundays paper
Final price 2 Free

Progresso soup
4/$5 in ad coupon
$1 and $2 coupon off 4 on
Final price as low as .05

Energizer rechargeable battery $7.99
$5 easy saver coupon
$2 coupon on package
Final price .99

Reach Crystal clean toothbrush $1.79
.99 in ad coupon
buy one get one free
Final price 2/.19

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

election day freebies

After you vote today run by starbucks and get your free coffee, then you can proceed to chick fil a's and get your free chicken sandwich. Then you can drop by wendys for your free jr. Frosty. If you still have room after that run over to ben and jerrys between 5 and 8 and get your free ice cream cone. If you are lucky enough to still have a krisy creme you can get a free donut. Happy voting today!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Attention Kmart Shoppers!

Kmart in other parts of the world where they still have a super K have been doing several double coupon events, except California of course. Many people, (including me of course) have been writing to Kmart asking them to extend this to our neck of the woods. I'm happy to report the day is coming! On Nov. 30 to Dec 6 our Kmart will be giving double coupons.
What this means?
Get out your coupons everyone. The goal is to get as much as possible for free or as little as possible. Don't limit this to what you yourself will use. Cut out every coupon you can find and think donations. Financial problems are at an all time high with shelters bursting at the seams. You can donate all the toothpaste, shampoo,diapers, etc. you can get your hands on. How this works? Usually you will match your coupon up with the sale items first. If it's on sale it is already less money making doubling even better. Check Kmarts policy on coupons too. Most will only double to one dollar and some limit how many coupons you can use that are the same. Example: three $1 coupons on Cheerios. They will only double to the price of the item, so lets say you have a $1 coupon and the cost is $1.50, you will only get $1.50. After you do the sale items then match your coupons with the smallest item in order to get the most out of your double coupon. I can't wait! There hasn't been double coupons here in years. Do I hear a blue light special calling..........

Voters: Free ice cream tomorrow

Go to Ben and Jerrys with your I voted sticker between 5-8pm and get your free ice cream cone. Happy Voting!


According to the newspaper when the economy is bad, people entering college goes up. I guess that is true because I am currently taking a class right now to complete my degree. College can be free or really cheap. Almost everyone qualifies for the Board of Governors grant or the Pell Grant making tuition free at city college. My money saving technique for books almost always works, unless the instructor has written their own book for the course. I go to the college as soon as the book list is out and get the isbn number inside the textbook, then I contact the instructor and ask if the previous years addition will be ok. There are very little changes from year to year generally so you aren't missing much. You can buy the previous years additon used off the internet for practically nothing making your investment very little. If you ever need anything from the newest additon you can always go to the library at the college and look it up. Of course you can always just use the library book althogether and pay nothing. You could also take the class with someone buy one book and split the cost. You could even do something fun like take a swimming class. So far I have never taken a class for pleasure but you know what, the swimming class would cost me nothing compared to my gym membership that I pay $35 a month for. Wow, that's a lot of money per year I could be saving, not to mention you kind of have to show up if it's a class! Shhh. Don't tell my husband!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

More frees, great coupons, discounted newpaper

Holidays are the best time for coupons. Todays coupons were awesome! I found a website where you can get a discount on the Fresno Bee right now for Thursday thru Sunday for about the same price I pay now for the Sunday only paper.

Here are the Frees for this week:

Glade wisp flameless candle $5.99
$2 easy saver catalog
$3 coupon in todays paper
$5 pink peelie on package
Combine the easy saver catalog coupon with one of the others
Final price .99 or $1.01 profit

Natures Bounty vitamins $3.99 on sale Buy one get one free
$2 coupon
Use two coupons and possibly get two free

L'oreal age perfect procalcium radiance protector $19.99
$19.99 rebate
$1 coupon
Final price free with $1 profit

Rite Aid:
SoyJoy single serve nutritional bars 10/$5
$5 rebate
Final price free

Gum toothbrush $1.99
$1.99 rebate
Final price free

Both stores have glucose monitors for free. Think donations for people who can't afford them.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Show up, Lord

I received this email the other day. I have prayed for this many times, although sometimes the outcome is far different from what I was expecting! I'm trying to work overtime right now to catch up on some bills from when my mom was in the hospital and also to pay back Ken's parents for the help they gave us during the crisis. My shift was cancelled today at the hospital. When you are desperately trying to work and then you can't get any work all you can do is pray for God to show up and take care of it. I'm sure there is a reason I am at home today. If nothing else I will go to church instead which is nice since I have missed a lot of it lately. Last week I worked until 6pm and was sent home early so I got to go to church. Maybe that is my message, He wants me in church right now, and will show me how to take care of the finances without skipping church to do it. Please God, show up today and show me the plans you have for me.

Show Up, Lord

Ah Lord GOD! . . . Nothing is too difficult for You.
Jeremiah 32:17

How many times have you prayed for God to "show up"--that He would reveal His purpose and power and presence in an unmistakable way?

Some people might say, "Aw, that's just the way Christians talk. No one really expects God to 'show up' or do anything." Well, it's not just talk if God can actually do it. Look at the context for today's verse:

Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You, who shows lovingkindness to thousands, but repays the iniquity of fathers into the bosom of their children after them, O great and mighty God. The LORD of hosts is His name; great in counsel and mighty in deed, whose eyes are open to all the ways of the sons of men, giving to everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his deeds
(Jeremiah 32:17-19).

This passage tells me that God can break through the most desperate situations in your lives and transform them into trophies of His grace. He can intervene in the lives of your friends and family members--even those who are running hard from Him right now--and turn their whole world around.

Sometimes we grow weary of praying for God to act. When an answer to prayer doesn't immediately come, we can become impatient. We're tempted to quit after a while. But never misjudge God's silence as inactivity. He is working and waiting for the right time to show up, to leave no doubt that He's the One who makes all the difference (see also Isaiah 64:4).

Persevere in prayer.

Rite Aid Free stuff today only

I meant to post this sooner. Rite Aid has a bunch of stuff you can get for free or even a profit. Today only. The rebates cover most if not all of the cost and if you have coupons for the products you may even make a profit!

Suave Lotion
L'oreal age perfect radiance perfector tinted moisturizer
Citre shine miracle, shine mist, pomade, gloss gelee, miracle serum, and aerosol serum.
Charles Worthington Dream hair shampoo or conditioner.
Oral B artica toothbrush
Dentaburst teeth cleaners
Axe shower gel
GE power souce 6 strip outlet
GE indoor extention cords
Sally Hansen lip treatment
Adidas deodorant, body wash, or body spray.