Monday, October 11, 2010

Coupon myths

Myth: Coupons aren't worth enough money to make a difference.
Truth: When you combine coupons with sales you can save an average of 40% off your bill.

Myth: Cutting out coupons takes too much time.
Truth: The average person spends about 10 minutes a week cutting and sorting coupons. Even on the large scale that I use coupons, I don't spend more than an hour a week for a average savings of $25 a week. That is just the coupon savings alone and does not count sales and rebates.

Myth: Coupons are mainly for packaged processed foods.
Truth: There are tons of fresh food coupons out there for dairy products, fruits, vegetables, meat and chicken. Not to mention I never buy non food items like toiletries, cleaning and paper products without coupons.

Myth: Coupons are limited to grocery items.
Truth: I have found coupons for prescriptions, propane, toys, blankets, canning jars, magazines, etc. You never know what you will find if you look.

Best places to find coupons. Sunday newspaper, All You magazine,,,, and lately facebook has been plentiful. Once you start looking you will find them everywhere.

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