Thursday, December 30, 2010

Extreme couponing

By now you may have seen the new show on TLC called Extreme Couponing. I have to admit while I knew it would be exaggerated I was really disappointed in what I consider to be a lot of sensationalism. I also found the first woman just straight up sad to watch. She is clearly ill, and her shopping looks a lot like hoarding. She cannot possibly use all that stuff before it goes bad. I'm all for saving money, and I even like stockpiling, but there are very few things I would even consider stockpiling for more than a year. In fact I take inventory at the end of each year, figure out what I have in excess and donate it. There is no reason for example to hoard a lifetime supply of toothpaste. It DOES expire. Why not donate it to the woman's shelter instead?  Some of this just looked downright greedy I'm sorry to say. It reminds me of how gamblers get a high off the win. These people clearly get the same high off the free items. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy free items too, I just don't do it to the point that I can't use it and neither can anyone else. Here is a great article on some more thoughts on the show.

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