Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kitchen organization

I feel so accomplished to have my kitchen organized. I'm happy to say a lot of it was already done, but it did inspire me to do a few things like get my spices in order once and for all. Having them organized will actually be a money saver because it will stop me from purchasing duplicates. I had at least 10 duplicates but because of the way they were organized before it made it impossible for me to keep track of it. I also put all of my spices on my phone using the ap out of milk. That way when I am out shopping I know exactly what I have at home. I also did a pantry list, and a freezer list on the same ap for the same reason. It also inspired me to look for other ways to organize further like my new K cup holder for my new Keurig coffee pot. I did order a lid organizer for my cupboards and it was too big, plus when I returned it in the same box they sent it to me in the company claimed it was damaged when they received it. Not to mention it cost me almost as much to ship it back as I should have been refunded. I really shouldn't have returned it but I just didn't want the clutter! So that one was a failure which cost me far more than I care to admit. Oh well, live and learn. I also discovered some new cabinet organizer for pots and pans I am dying to buy. Must save up for that but I did find a cheaper version on ebay. As soon as I save up the money that will be my next purchase! One thing I would like to do that will take me a long time is to compile one cookbook of recipes I use all the time rather than me pulling out cookbooks when I do my meal planning. Even though I know where all the recipes are it would be nice to have it all in one place particularly when I am feeling uninspired. I think I will try to work on that after this year of organization is over. Next week we start on my filing system which is horrible right now. Wish me luck!

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