Saturday, November 29, 2008


My friend Amy got me thinking this morning on spending. I started looking for a biblical perspective on this. I didn't find anything other than staying within your budget and giving to others. There is a lot of discontent when it comes to spending and society has encouraged us to buy it anyway on credit even if you can't afford it. We are never satisfied with what we have because there is always something new and better out there. Ken told me that he used to dream of a 32 inch tv. Well that is what we have, but he isn't satisfied with it. Now he wants one of those flat screen tv's as big as he can get it. I just want to be satisfied with what I have. I'm tired of wanting something new because it's better than what I have. I don't want to need a new computer every year, or a new car, or a new whatever. While I appreciate how everything improves I'm just sick of spending. God has provided well for me and I would like to be content with what he has supplied. Is finding contentment even possible in this world? Well as my friend Amy so succintly said, "I'm pretty sure I won't find it at the mall." Here is what Crown has to say on contentment. Contentment is so far removed from many Christians that it seems that they will never be able to find it or be at peace. However, contentment is not something that must be searched for and found. It is an attitude of the heart. Once the attitude has been modified and all has been transferred to God, contentment will be evident.
For the full article go to and search for contentment.


amy said...

It's so encouraging to find that others are deeply concerned with some of the same issues that I find central to my own faith development.

Let's help each other keep moving toward righteousness.

BethM said...

Thanks Amy, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your thoughtful insights. You inspire me often!