1. Bottled Water - Switch from bottled water to a filter for tap water and save $250/year.
2. Extended Warranties - Skip the warranties and purchase with a credit card that extends the manufacturer's warranty. The savings obviously varies depending on what you're purchasing (i.e., what you would have spent on the extended warranty). Or skip it all together. Most are never used.
3. Gym Memberships - Keep track of all of the discounts available to you, such as affiliations with certain organizations/membership groups.
4. Overdraft Fees - Some banks will re-order your transactions so that your biggest purchases are run through first, and deposits last, so that they can stick you with expensive overdraft fees (protection is typically $5-$10/year).
5. Organic Produce - There are many fruits and vegetables that aren't exposed to a lot of chemicals, and thus, aren't worth the extra bucks for going organic.
6. Auto Insurance - You can get discounts if you don't drive a lot, so call your insurer to see if you qualify.
7. Music Downloads - Shop around, as changes to song formats have opened up more places to buy music, and thus, greater opportunities to save.
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