Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Keeping it legal

I went to Winco today and they are no longer accepting internet coupons. I can't help feeling they are handling this badly. All it takes is a little education to learn what to look for to make sure a internet coupon is legitimate. Not to mention they should have posted it on the front door at the check out, etc. I didn't find out until I had already checked out and handed over my coupons. Winco, are you kidding me? Oh wait, someone just told me it was posted by the grocery carts. Either I didn't see it or they didn't leave it up very long.
With that said I want to talk a little about keeping it legal. Internet coupons are generally set to print one or two coupons with that being the limit. You should not photo copy the coupons which constitutes as fraud. In my opinion there are enough coupons going around that makes this kind of fraud ridiculous, and it's ruining it for the rest of us. Here in Fresno Ca, we don't even have the benefit of double coupons like other parts of the world, and I still have never felt the need to commit fraud as I feel I get good enough deals already. The same for rebate offers. 15 years ago when I was doing lots of rebates there were over 500 rebates a month you could do. Now there are only 100 with a large percentage of them for alcohol. Since I don't drink very much rebates are very slim. They cut way back on rebates because again due to fraud. People were using multiple addresses renting P.O. Boxes and essentially defrauding the companies. Has a lot to do with why they cut way back on the offers. Coupons and rebates is a fun hobby to help cut expenses. It's not meant to take the place of a job. So please, don't be tempted to defraud the companies. Not only are they likely to quit these offers, but it also drives the prices up for the rest of us, not unlike theft at the stores themselves that cause the stores to increase the prices to recoup the losses. It's not worth going to jail over either and there have been cases of people going to jail over printing multiple coupons or using multiple addresses for rebates. I try very hard to stay within the guidelines given to me and I encourage everyone else to do the same.

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